When Is the Next Express Entry CEC / FSW Draw Date?

When Is the Next Express Entry CEC Date for October 2021?

When Is the Next Express Entry FSW Draw for the year 2021 ?

An Express Entry draw typically takes place every two weeks on a Wednesday. There have been instances when PNP draws are held on Wednesdays and the CEC draws are held on Thursdays. On September 29th, 2021, We expect the next draw to be targeted towards CEC or FSW since this one was aimed at PNP. And we have seen that there has been no FSW draw since last December 2020.

 Every two weeks, Immigration Canada conducts an Express Entry draw. It has been a trend that the IRCC holds the Express Entry draw date every 15 days, usually about every fortnight. The frequency of 15 days might change but there are at least two express entry draws a month.So we assume and predict next CEC draw by 13th Oct 2021

We assume that the next CEC draw will be within the next 2 weeks. Will the Next Draw Be an FSW Draw? Covid-19 has made things in immigration as unpredictable and delayed but they are happening and getting faster as the global travel restriction are easing and the Vaccination rate is getting higher world over. 


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