why study in canada

Why Study in Canada?

Education valued across the world

The quality of education offered in Canada is at par with the any degree or diploma provided by global educational institutes including the US and the Commonwealth countries. Universities and colleges offer variety of degrees ranging from teaching, medical, finance, construction, engineering, management to IT. Higher academic standards, control of quality and the level of education imparted are one of many reasons why Canada today is ranked among the top 10 preferred destinations for study. The University of Toronto (21st), York University (75th), McGill University (45th), Western University (67th), the University of British Columbia (19th), and University of Montreal (100th) all made it to list of top 100 global universities according to Times HEWU Ratings.

Gain eligibility to Work in Canada

The government permits students completing their university degree, diploma or secondary schooling in Canada to attain a work-visa offering them to opportunity to attain work experience. This creates a path-way to gain world-class lifestyle experiences and to be a part of the diversified work culture in Canada.

Affordable study

Canada is a very reasonable in education costs compared to its neighbor USA or for the European counterparts like UK, Germany or even the Oceania countries like Australian or New Zealand. Courses are offered at record lowest rates compared to US where the bachelor’s degree cost more than one-third of that offered by the Canadian universities. The average approximate costs for an undergraduate foreign student may be around 13000 CAD annually which again depends upon the location and spending habits. For more information, refer our page Cost of Study in Canada.

Enchanting Weather and Environment

Canada places greater importance to the environment and conservation of nature. As a result, one can find natural park reserves, mountain trails, passes, recreational parks, lakes, sanctuaries in every territory and province in Canada. There are more than 3000 designated wilderness areas, provincial parks, ecological and natural reserves across the country. The annual snow storms or fascinating weather extremes, getting baked in the heat or the never-ending rain showers; all of this form an integral part of the Canadian psyche as much as the maple leaf and ice hockey tournaments.


Canada is ranked among the ten best places to live by the Economic Intelligence Unit and the United Nations for the past 20 years and more. The presence of various ethnic groups from across the globe combined with the essence of oneness makes Canada an immigrant friendly nation. Multicultural foods, clubs, cultural societies, recreational activities relating to every ethnic community is available and are easily accessible. International students and newcomers have access to most facilities available to Canadians are introduced to advisors and inducted into the Canadian way of life.


Do you want to know your eligibility for Canadian study Visas?

Call us  at 416-857-0100  or take less than a minute to fill our Online Assessment for Your study Visa Options.

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 If you have question related  Study permit, study in Canada, Application to Study in Canada, Study Permits, Studying in Canada, Canada Student Visa Requirements from India or across the world Talk to Candian Title Imigration and Visa Inc.(CTIV)

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  • Canada is well known for its spacious countryside, cultural diversity, superior education, healthcare system and economic stability, has one of the highest immigration rates and is considered one of the most popular destinations for Immigrants.

  • To work in Canada on a temporary basis, foreign workers need the work permit.  Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) approve Canada work visas under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP).