The process of moving to Canada as a nurse

This page will help you to indestand that how to move to Canada, how to move to Canada as a Nurse?

We can help you answer all these question.Book one o one consulation with our Immigration experts 

  • Why nurses should move to Canada ?
  • Are foreign nurses accepted in Canada?
  • Nurses with international qualifications can apply for immigration programs
  • What kinds of nursing licenses are available in Canada ?
  • How to get licensed in Canada as a foreign-trained nurse ?
  • Jobs in demand for nurses in Canada ?
  • How much money do nurses make in Canada?
  • What you need to know about finding nursing jobs in Canada ?
  • Nursing recruitment process in Canada ?
  • As an internationally educated nurse, should you move to Canada?



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  • Canada is one of the top choices of international students for education owing to its multicultural society, high academic standards, affordability, exiting campus lifestyles and world-class education among many other attributes.

  • If you and your same-sex common-law partner have lived together in a conjugal relationship for at least a year, you can sponsor them. Generally, you must provide proof of this union, such as joint financial records, property, mail, or purchases. You can sponsor your same-sex partner if you have been in a conjugal relationship for at least one year 

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